Using Google Scholar:
- From the Library Home Page, select Google Scholar under Databases tab.
- Enter the article title (or a portion of the title) in quotes in the text box or some of the keywords from the title and click on Search.
Note: For the citation below, "Food insecurity research in the United States: Where we have been and where we need to go" is the article title.
Gundersen, C., & Ziliak, J. P. (2018). Food insecurity research in the United States: Where we have been and where we need to go. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 40(1), 119-135.
- Click on the Full-Text@ Emmanuel Coll. link on the right.
In some cases you may need to click on the more option below the item record to access the Full-Text@Emmanuel link.
- If unable to find the article, try searching by journal title using the instructions below.
Using A-Z Journals by Title:
- From the Library Home Page, select A-Z Journals by Title under Databases tab.
- Enter the journal title in the text box and click on Search.
Note: For the citation below, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy is the journal title.
Gundersen, C., & Ziliak, J. P. (2018). Food insecurity research in the United States: Where we have been and where we need to go. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 40(1), 119-135.
- Use the title of the article in the Search within Publication text box. For off-campus access, enter your Emmanuel Portal login when prompted.
If full text is not available, place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for the article. An ILL request may take 2-3 weeks to fill depending on the availability of the item.