search in Academic Search Premier?

On the Library web site, access Academic Search Premier through the A-Z List of Resources under Quick Access or through the A-Z List of Databases link.

  1. Enter search terms as was done in the example search exploring the connection between social media and presidential election in the United States.
    Sample search in ASP
  2. Under Search Options, you may wish to limit to Peer Reviewed. Peer reviewed journals contain articles screened by experts in the field. Additionally, you might wish to also limit the Published Date.
  3. On the results page, change the Page Options to Detailed to see the abstracts.
    Results page
  4. As you read through the results, you can click PDF Full Text to access the complete article.
  5. If there is a Find it@Emmanuel button, click on the button to see if the full text is available in another of our databases.


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